You want to learn advanced Algorithm programming to participate in interview rounds with big technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, etc. You want to find an internship or full-time job for companies that require Algorithmic knowledge. You want to build a team that works with advanced Algorithms to optimize your product.
Big-O Orange Course: Advanced Algorithms will be right for you, which helps you to improve your Algorithmic programming techniques with knowledge of Mathematics, Dynamic Programming, and Segment Trees and to solve problems on famous coding pages such as Leetcode, Interviewbit, Topcoder. Illustrated programming language in this course: C++, Python, Java.
Tuition Fee: Special offer for the first 5 early registrants. For details of tuition fees, please see the attached link below.
Priority to discount more for students who have studied at Big-O Green and Blue courses. We also have a program to support paying tuition fees many times for students. Please contact us via Email: for more support.
You can view the opening time, class timetable and register via this link.